Create a proxy to S3 using AWS v4 signature type

The following example shows how to read from S3 using AWS v4 signature type without using any module.

See S3 documentation for more information.


Ensure that you have the following environment variables set:

  • S3_BUCKET_NAME: The name of the S3 bucket.
  • S3_ACCESS_KEY: The access key of the S3-compatible storage.
  • S3_SECRET_KEY: The secret key of the S3-compatible storage.
  • S3_REGION: The region of the S3-compatible storage.

Reading from S3

To read from S3, we need to sign the request using HMAC-SHA1, which is supported by the Web Crypto API.
We define the HMAC function to sign the request, and the getObject function to prepare the request and send it to S3.

const s3 = {
  endpoint: env.S3_ENDPOINT ?? '',
  region: env.S3_REGION ?? 'fr-par',
  accessKey: env.S3_ACCESS_KEY ?? null,
  secretKey: env.S3_SECRET_KEY ?? null

// Ensure that keys are set
if (!s3.accessKey || !s3.secretKey) {
  throw new Error('Missing S3 configuration');

async function sha256(data: string): Promise<string> {
  const dataUint8 = toUint8Array(data);
  const hashBuffer = await crypto.subtle.digest('SHA-256', dataUint8);
  return toHexString(new Uint8Array(hashBuffer));

// Convert a string to Uint8Array
function toUint8Array(str: string) {
  return Uint8Array.from(str, (c) => c.charCodeAt(0));

// Convert an Uint8Array to a hex string
function toHexString(arr: Uint8Array) {
  return Array.from(arr)
    .map((b) => b.toString(16).padStart(2, '0'))

async function HMAC(key: Uint8Array, message: Uint8Array) {
  const algorithm = { name: 'HMAC', hash: 'SHA-256' };

  const cryptoKey = await crypto.subtle.importKey('raw', key, algorithm, true, ['sign']);

  const signature = await crypto.subtle.sign(algorithm, cryptoKey, message);

  return new Uint8Array(signature);

async function getS3Object(key: string) {
  const url = new URL(`${s3.endpoint}/${key}`);
  const date = new Date().toISOString().replace(/[:-]|\.\d{3}/g, ''); // format: YYYYMMDDTHHMMSSZ
  const shortDate = date.slice(0, 8); // format: YYYYMMDD
  const method = 'GET';
  const canonicalURI = url.pathname;
  const canonicalQueryString = '';
  const hashedPayload = await sha256(''); // For GET requests, the payload is empty
  const canonicalHeaders = `host:${}\nx-amz-content-sha256:${hashedPayload}\nx-amz-date:${date}\n`;
  const signedHeaders = 'host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date';

  const canonicalRequest = [

  const canonicalRequestHash = await sha256(canonicalRequest);

  const stringToSign = [

  const dateKey = await HMAC(toUint8Array('AWS4' + s3.secretKey), toUint8Array(shortDate));
  const regionKey = await HMAC(dateKey, toUint8Array(s3.region));
  const serviceKey = await HMAC(regionKey, toUint8Array('s3'));
  const signingKey = await HMAC(serviceKey, toUint8Array('aws4_request'));
  const signature = toHexString(await HMAC(signingKey, toUint8Array(stringToSign)));

  const headers = new Headers();
  headers.set('x-amz-date', date);
  headers.set('x-amz-content-sha256', hashedPayload);
    `AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 ` + //
      `Credential=${s3.accessKey}/${shortDate}/${s3.region}/s3/aws4_request, ` +
      `SignedHeaders=${signedHeaders}, ` +

  // Send the request
  return fetch(url.toString(), { headers, method }).then((res) => {
    switch (res.status) {
      case 200:
        return res;
      case 404:
        return new Response('Not found', { status: 404 });
        throw new Error(`Unexpected status code: ${res.status}`);

addEventListener('fetch', (event: FetchEvent) => {
      // If the request handler throws an error, return a 500 response.
      .catch(() => new Response('Internal Server Error', { status: 500 }))

async function handleRequest(request: Request): Promise<Response> {
  const { pathname } = new URL(request.url);

  // If the request is for the root, return the index.html file, otherwise
  // return the file matching the path (note that we strip the leading slash)
  const key = pathname === '/' ? 'index.html' : pathname.slice(1);
  if (request.method === 'GET') {
    return getS3Object(key);

  return new Response('Not found', { status: 404 });

Your worker is now ready to be deployed and serve files from S3.

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